Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rants in Waves

I have so many things on my mind lately. I had a mammogram yesterday. My 13 yr. old is burning through her cell phone minutes. I drink WAY too much diet coke. My daughter has had a headache and ear ache for nearly 5 weeks. My son graduates from high school in 6 weeks. I want to complete a photo album and a quilt for him before graduation. My son needs to be at college (some 10+ hours away) August 9th. We need to pay for college! My 25th high school class reunion is July 31st. I want to lose weight. I want to exercise. Oh the list goes on. And on. And on. I am tired. I think I am tired from all these thoughts. Maybe being tired is an effective means of procrastinating the above tasks.

Mammograms...I had a "baseline" one when I was 35. I didn't think it was as bad as people made it sound. I had another mammogram at 38. I had found a huge lump. I had an ultrasound then too. It was just a normal thickening due to hormonal was getting close to my period. Well, so we all thought. Actually, I was pregnant. (SURPRISE!) I have had annual mammograms the last 3 years. Yesterday was the first time I felt discomfort.

Maybe the discomfort was because it was the first time they didn't ask if I had implants. Talk about being humiliated! Thanks so much kids for the wear and tear on my previously perky boobs. So, the mammogram started out on a bummer. Then, the woman wanted my pectoral muscles in the "shot". So, she pulled, and tugged, and yanked. I think she got some back muscle too. Then she lowered the plexiglass and told me to say "when". She was going faster than I could holler. I think the machine begged for mercy at some point and the technician stopped squooshing. Then, you won't believe this...she said "Hold your breathe." If I had been physically able to laugh, I would have! I was not physically able to breathe. I think my lung was in that squoosher machine. So, I complete all 4 views and go back to get dressed. (and put on lotion and deodorant.) My whole chestal region is red and slightly welty. Then the technician says "If you feel discomfort, don't call your doctor. Just take what you would for a headache." So, I took some Tylenol for rest of the day. I was feeling discomfort. Having said that, I wouldn't change anything. Having a mammogram is important. The discomfort is temporary. It could save my life.

Then there's my 13 year old daughter. She is #3 in our family. She got a cell phone for Christmas. This was a really big deal...the other kids had to wait until high school. But #3 is involved in many school activities and we found ourselves waiting around a lot. She got a cell phone for MY convenience...not her enjoyment. I guess I failed to express that to her.

Our kids have Trac-phones. We buy minutes for them that last 90 days at a time. We buy a fair amount of minutes. I know it's a fair amount because in 4 years, child #1 has never run out of minutes. He has come close, but he watches and when necessary monitors them. We are strict about the cell phones. They can't use them at home. If they run out of minutes before the 90 days, they go without, or buy them themselves. But, like I 4 years, this has ever happened. In 4 years, no one has lost a phone (knock on wood!). No one has run out of minutes. But WAIT! Child #3! She burned through her first 90 days of minutes in about 6 weeks. OK, I thought maybe I had done an accounting error. Maybe she misunderstood. So, I put on more minutes. Then I found out she was texting her boyfriend (Oh Lord, that is another story) after bed time which breaks several rules! So, I take the phone away. But, when she has a track meet at another school, I give her the phone. In two weeks...I said in TWO WEEKS, that girl burned through as many minutes as child #1 and child #2 use in 90 days!! Child #3 lost phone privileges until 9th grade. At the earliest. Guess we go back to waiting for her. Or she can wait for us...

All this makes me want a diet coke real bad. Time for a diet coke break. Ahhhhhh. But, that, I think, is a story for another time.

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