Friday, January 15, 2010

In The Beginning

Today is the beginning of my adventures in blogging. How humbling it is to have your son show you the ropes! It took me several tries to figure out what I was posting where, and I'm sure I'll make adjustments along the way. It's how I raise my kids too. The oldest was on such a good schedule. Went to bed every night at 7:30p.m. after a bath, teeth scrubbing and book. Ok, not really, but we tried. Baby #2 arrived and the schedule was adjusted. By child #4, the schedule is adjusted so much that I pat myself on the back if all 4 kids are dressed by noon, fed 3 meals each day and are in bed before I fall asleep. Life (and I suppose that now includes blogging) is full of adjustments. But for today, the blog seems fine. The kids are dressed (and it's only 11a.m.!!) they have eaten breakfast and are now bugging about their next feeding. So currently no adjustments are needed. whew.

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