Saturday, January 16, 2010

Diet Coke Chronicles

My son suggested the title of this blog. I have a Diet Coke addiction. Seriously, I do. I drink 5 or 6 cans a day. As soon as I wake up, I reach for my first can, then I "chain" drink them. I love how the soda makes me smile. Calms me. Makes me say "Aahh." I have a great Diet Coke story to tell, but I have been advised to talk to some Marketing Execs first. My life, it's either a commercial (mostly for why birth control is important, I think) or a sitcom. Guess I should be thankful it's not a drama. Well, commercial, sitcom or drama, I will always have my Diet Coke to soothe me and get me through. There will be other posts with this title, I'm sure. Diet Coke is a big part of my daily life!

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