Monday, January 25, 2010

Still Learning

This blogging thing puzzles me. It's kinda like a diary, but meant for others to read. Who really wants to read my ramblings? I can hardly get people to hear them out of my mouth, why bother with on a screen? Anyway, maybe it will clear my head to have them on the computer instead of sloshing inside my brain. I haven't slept in 3 nights with the thoughts wrestling around.

I just "friend requested" (on Facebook) a person from high school that I never really hung out with, but we were in the school musicals together and we tend to post on the same people's walls. I know facebook speak, but anyway, she has a blog. I read her blog and it gave me some insight into what would work for my blog.

Today's blog title is "Still Learning." I am still learning this blog thing. But I am also still learning about being me, being a wife (really, after 20 yrs. I still am not good at it) and being a Mom. The Mom one is my biggest struggle. I think I have it figured out, but then there's a new stage of development, or a different kid. I think the reason kids don't come with Manuals is because they would read like this..

Day 1: Today I will sleep. When I cry, I don't know what I want, I'm only a few hours old. Hold me, feed me, change me, repeat. Often.

Day 385: I will be taking my first step today. Don't panic if I fall and cry. Clap when I figure it out. Take some photos because I'm not going to remember this!

Day 2136: When I lose my tooth later today I am going to misplace it. It's OK if you tell me to just leave a note, the Tooth Fairy will understand.

Day 4745: I'm officially a teenager. Don't dance in public. Actually, don't look at me in public. Can you just not go in public?

OK, so you have the manual down, right? Guess what? Kid #2 comes and the previous manual doesn't work. This kid operates differently. Their manual reads like this...

Day 1: Isn't my cry the loveliest sound you've ever heard? I hope you like it, I don't plan on stopping for about 6 months. Don't try to hold me, feed me, change me. It won't help. And God help me, don't put me in that swing!

Day 399: I don't care that my brother was walking by now. No, I don't know when I'll start.

Day 2135: AHHHHH!!! My mouth hurts so bad! What is the pain! Why is there blood? What is wrong with the teeth I have? You said you liked my teeth! promise I brush them! Why didn't you tell me it would be like this? You are so mean!

Day 4745: Mom, thank you so much for washing my laundry. I love when I can wear this shirt. Aren't the rainbows and ponies lovely? Will you drive me to school and walk me to the door? Please?

See? Just when you think you've learned it, the kid changes all the rules. Each kid has different rules and they change the rules when they feel the need. No wonder us Moms overeat, under sleep and have gray hair. The worry about getting it right for our kids! Ugh.

So, this brings me to today...Child #1 needs a check to order his Graduation Announcements.

Child #2 so far, so good with this one...but it's early yet...

Child #3 She's the tricky one. She is a kid that when people see her they say "Where is her Mother?" She dresses funky, she acts funky, she is a mystery to me. So, today the school nurse calls me. Seems #3 twisted her ankle on FRIDAY when getting off the bus. She goes back to nurse today (Monday) to say it is still hurting. WHAT?!? Nurse asks #3 why she didn't get it checked over weekend. #3 says "Well, sometimes my Mom doesn't believe me." Great. I expect social sevices to do a complete evaluation now. How embarrassing. I tell the nurse that #3 loves to see the school nurse and she probaby didn't tell me about the ankle because I told her not to go to nurse anymore (7 times in 18 weeks so far) unless there was blood or vomit. I explained that #3 has a flair for the dramatic. Not sure if all my talking was making it better or worse. How embarrassing. Do you think a manual would help in these cases? I didn't think so.

Child #4 He wants to know if animals sleep. He wants to know where they sleep. He thinks it's funny that gorillas sleep in nests like birds. He wants to know where animals live if they aren't in the zoo. We look for a book about Africa. Did I mention it's only 7:30am?

Here's what I want to learn today...Why did #1 grow up so fast? Where truly did the time go? How is it possible that I was blessed with #2? When will I EVER figure out #3? She was so adorable at age 3...why oh why did she go astray at age 13?? Why the fascination with the nurse? Where IS her Mother? And finally, why do gorillas sleep in nests? Why do I need to know ANYTHING at 7:30 am? I am still learning. I have so much to learn. God help me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Diet Coke Chronicles

My son suggested the title of this blog. I have a Diet Coke addiction. Seriously, I do. I drink 5 or 6 cans a day. As soon as I wake up, I reach for my first can, then I "chain" drink them. I love how the soda makes me smile. Calms me. Makes me say "Aahh." I have a great Diet Coke story to tell, but I have been advised to talk to some Marketing Execs first. My life, it's either a commercial (mostly for why birth control is important, I think) or a sitcom. Guess I should be thankful it's not a drama. Well, commercial, sitcom or drama, I will always have my Diet Coke to soothe me and get me through. There will be other posts with this title, I'm sure. Diet Coke is a big part of my daily life!

Friday, January 15, 2010

In The Beginning

Today is the beginning of my adventures in blogging. How humbling it is to have your son show you the ropes! It took me several tries to figure out what I was posting where, and I'm sure I'll make adjustments along the way. It's how I raise my kids too. The oldest was on such a good schedule. Went to bed every night at 7:30p.m. after a bath, teeth scrubbing and book. Ok, not really, but we tried. Baby #2 arrived and the schedule was adjusted. By child #4, the schedule is adjusted so much that I pat myself on the back if all 4 kids are dressed by noon, fed 3 meals each day and are in bed before I fall asleep. Life (and I suppose that now includes blogging) is full of adjustments. But for today, the blog seems fine. The kids are dressed (and it's only 11a.m.!!) they have eaten breakfast and are now bugging about their next feeding. So currently no adjustments are needed. whew.