Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Muppet Connection

Several years ago, my family decided to boycott large family Thanksgivings. The hassle of remembering which side of the family to visit, arranging eating around kids nap times, and dragging potty training kids to grandma's, lost all the festive, holiday spirit that was supposed to be involved in Thanksgiving. We instead made a turkey and all the trimmings with just our family of 5 (now 6).

We start our Thanksgiving day by watching the parade on T.V., then we go see a movie, then come home and start cooking. We started this about fifteen years ago. As the kids grew, sometimes we skipped the movie in favor of playing board games. Or sleeping, when they hit the teenage years. This year though, we went back to going out to a movie.

I heavily rallied to go see The Muppet Movie. I am a BIG fan of the Muppets, specifically, Miss Piggy. Fourteen years ago, my family went to Disney World and I saw Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog and had my photo taken with them. I cried. Real tears streamed down my face. I love Miss Piggy. I was the mother of three children, crying because I got to see Miss Piggy.

The movie today brought back a flood of memories; watching the Muppet Show with my dad (the John Denver "Grandma's Feather Bed" is a favorite), going to the premier of the first Muppet Movie, which happened when I was in 7th grade. I got all dressed up, including my first pair of pantyhose. I remember the excitement seeing Kermit ride that bike.

The new movie has all the regular cast of Muppets. It is about adult brothers who are the Muppets biggest fans. It could have starred me. I could have been the inspiration behind the movie. The one character passed out when Kermit said he was a personal friend. I understand that.

I watched the movie with a smile on my face. I danced to the music. I have to go get the soundtrack. I loved that the movie featured a song from the first movie (I got goosebumps when it started) and music from the 80's. It even had a rendition of a current chart topping song that made my 6 year old boogie in his seat.

I embarrassed my kids by laughing out loud (very loud) several times. Sometimes I was the only one laughing in the theatre. I wish I had gone to see the movie with my dad. I am sure he also laughed out loud. I thought the movie was delightful. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

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