Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The New And Improved Brady Bunch

My house finally sold. It went on the market February 28, 2011 after my husband was transferred for work the month before. I needed a month to clean and "declutter" the house before the "For Sale" sign was posted.

I don't mind having the house on the market. I don't mind the showings, having random strangers wander around my house, opening closets and cabinets. I don't really mind the cleaning beforehand. Showings are disruptive and stressful and the cleaning is always rushed. But really, I don't mind...as long as the showings aren't during dinner time. Or before noon. Or on the weekends. OK, I actually hate every, single part of having my house on the market.

I had "decluttered" my house so well that we had no spring clothing out. Or games. Or movies. After six months of wearing the wrong season clothing, and being bored, I decided to unpack some of my clutter. We hired a different real estate agent, NOT a Realtor. (For the record, there IS a difference...Realtor's have a Code of Ethics they have to follow. This is an IMPORTANT difference. I speak from experience.)

Anyway, the house got an offer with all the clutter present. After six intense weeks of negotiations and packing, we closed on the house. My belongings are now all on a truck headed from Pennsylvania to Colorado. My husband is also heading for Colorado. He has been traveling between the two states for the last year, but will now remain in Colorado, awaiting our arrival. The kids and I will be staying in Pennsylvania until the end of the school year. My oldest daughter is a senior in high school and I wanted her to graduate with the people she has spent the last six years of school with. Well, and the high school in Colorado wouldn't let her graduate unless she was there for an entire semester, and that boat sailed around Thanksgiving.

So, we will head to Colorado in late June or early July. My daughter will have enough time to settle into her new bedroom, then pack to get ready for life in the dorms. Such adventures!

The dilemma became where would the kids and I hang our hats for the next four months? Apartment? That meant packing, moving, unpacking, twice. Hotel? Too expensive. Bum a couch from the neighbor? Perfect! (What? you've never considered that??)

I found a gracious neighbor (on the first try!) who allowed myself, three of my kids, AND my two cats to live with her and her, her three kids and her dog for FOUR, WHOLE, MONTHS! It's like we are remaking the Brady Bunch...two lovely ladies, one short and brown haired, one tall and blond. Six kids (ages 18, 15, almost 10, 7,6 and almost 3...plus one who might come home from college), two cats, a and dog. All we need is Alice.

My neighbor, A.K.A. Big Mama (she's the tall, blond one) works as a nurse, so I help with the kids before and after school. I also like to take over making dinner and the housework. I think I was a 1950's housewife in a former life. I'm just missing the pearls, an apron and fresh baked cookies. (And maybe a cocktail and cigarette. Oh, and I don't play Bridge...)

It's been a week with our new living arrangement. So far, so good. At least for me. Big Mama may see it differently. We barged into her life, bringing more chaos and cats. We have rearranged furniture. And closets. We took over two bedrooms, which meant her youngest got bumped into his brothers room (or Big Mama's bed...). We (and by "we" I mean "I") even rearranged her spice cabinet. Actually I MOVED the spices to a completely new and different location. I rearranged her laundry room. And Pantry. I should probably admit that I am slightly OCD about organization. I may also be somewhat of a control freak.

My neighbor is amazing for accepting us. I am not sure I would be so accepting and accommodating. I sure as heck wouldn't let anyone rearrange my spice cabinet. She and her kids have and will always hold a place in my life, and my heart.

Here is the New and Improved Brady Bunch Song...

Here's a story, of a short lady, who was overwhelmed with selling her house. She had four kids (one is in college) and two cats as well.

Here's a story, of a tall blond lady, who was living with three kids on her own. Then the bold, old, shorter lady, said "Can we please barge in?"

So the one day when the Shorty's moved in with the Tall-y's, they knew they were much more than a crowd. So this group of six kids and two mothers, decided they were a family. (A family, a family, (come on, sing a long!) that's the way, they became a fam-i-ly...)

1 comment:

  1. It's true, all we need is Alice. Can you imagine? Alice was a hoot! She would have fit right in. I imagine you two would be like Mo And Mel. Fighting over who's spice cabinet it actually was and who was in charge of what goes where. And, I would sit back and enjoy like I was watching a sitcom. I am grateful for a lot, but you all moving in is WAY up there on the list of things I am most grateful for in my life. You all arrived at just the right time. I too will forever appreciate. xo!
