Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's On My Mind Right Now

It's Thursday afternoon. The kids are all in school. My husband is out of town working. The house is peaceful, and it's actually clean too. I could be reading a good book, catching up on all the new T.V. shows via the DVR or taking a nap. Instead, my mind is racing. The things that are clamoring for the "front, center, only" space of attention are varied and some are silly, but they are there. I thought maybe if I wrote about them, they would go away, happy for a few minutes of the spotlight.

I am thinking about how it's Thursday and my to-do lists from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are untouched, actually, they have not even been glanced at all week. Yet, the house is clean and tidy. This morning I did gather all my to-do lists and scraps of paper with random bits of notes and stacked them on the kitchen counter. I also placed an orange piece of construction paper and a marker there. I have decided that since it's already Thursday, I will just make up a master to-do list that encompasses today through Sunday. The pretty orange paper will make the list harder to ignore. I have to remember to add to the list the things the inspector thinks we need to do. Ah, yes,the inspection...we had to have a pre-inspection of the house per our new realtor. I can think of nothing I would rather do but spend MORE money on the house I am selling, or attempting to sell.

This reminds me, I need to pay the activity fee at the high school for both my daughters. It's a new fee this year because the budget is tight. Guess what? My budget is tight too and I don't want to pay the fee. But rarely do the want and the need go hand in hand, (doesn't Janet Jackson, A.K.A. Ms. Jackson if you're nasty have as song with a similar lyric in it? I will have to investigate. I will add it to the master list. ) so I will pay the fee. Our car insurance is due too, I should pay that. Have to tell child #1 and child #2 they owe me money for car insurance. That should make their days as well.

I picked up a cd at the library...Billboard #1's from the 70's. Good stuff! Reminded me about the 30 day song challenge I started on facebook. Everyday for 30 days you post a song. Someone created this challenge and one day the song was one you disliked, one day a song you loved, one day a song that reminds you of someone...etc. Anyway, I lasted about 4 days. I figured nobody really cares. OK, really it was just too hard for me to post a song without a lavish explanation. Being of little words is not my forte'. I decided today that I will write a blog about my 30 day song challenge. I mean, why spread the pain of reading my wordiness over 30 days? Best to be taken in at a single sitting. The other thing was others who were doing the 'challenge' had interesting, obscure bands or songs. I am pretty main-stream/pop. Yes, I know you read that as boring. But, when you read my explanations you'll be like "Wow, I really get her. She really IS boring!"

Maybe I'll go for a walk to clear my head. Of course, I need a jacket, and some good shoes. Wait! Those things are packed. Half my life is packed waiting for the house to sell. We 'decluttered' the house in Februaury. About 100 boxes worth of decluttering. Why did I think shoes and jackets were clutter? I need to unpack some stuff. I hope I marked the boxes clearly enough to find what I need.

My youngest guy has two loose teeth. Not so wiggly that they wiggle with his tongue, just wiggly enough that they kinda hurt when he eats. I looked in his mouth and the new teeth are growing in behind the baby teeth. The new teeth are BIG. The two new teeth will take up the space of four baby teeth. Then I worry because that happened to my oldest boy too. The dentist pulled his baby teeth preemptively to prevent over crowding. It was a bit nerve-wracking when they pulled out his teeth. Now I know how it affects the child before, during and after, and the thought of having to watch another child go through it scares the bejeezes out of me. This parenting stuff is hard.

Which leads me to my freshly turned 18 year old daughter. Her and I have been at odds for three weeks. We have never battled before so this is new territory. OK, we have had a few minor clashes, but they clear up within a few hours or maybe a day. This has been a battle for three. entire. weeks. Is it being a high school senior that brings it out? Being 18? The overhanging gloom of moving across the country? That I am her mother? What is it? I really owe my mom another apology. I see so much of a teenage me in her behavior. It's a wonder my mom didn't kill me. It's another wonder she still talks to me. It's turning me into someone I don't know. Wait, maybe that part about turning into someone I don't know has to do more with aging, stress in general and the lack of exercise and proper eating habits.

Yes, definitely I should do something about my daily routine. The eating, sitting around, grouchiness, dishes in the's gotta change. Of course, facebook changed and people did a bunch of complaining. Why? Because who really likes changes? I mean besides changes into clean undies and fresh sheets? Facebook changed stuff up so that now facebook decides what is a top story and it most likely won't be in chronological order. I am much too OCD for that. I need stuff in proper time sequence. Plus, I feel like I am missing stuff. I like to be in the know. Facebook did put up this 'ticker' that is supposed to help keep me in the loop. However, I find it confusing. Not to mention that now when someone comments on someone else's status, it shows up on my wall. So much for privacy. Oh,I know, that stuff was always available, but you used to have to dig for it's just there for the world to see. Well, if you can figure it all out. I find the change quite confusing. SO confusing in fact that I have barely been on facebook. That has lead to more 'free time' which leads to my mind wandering which leads to...well, to ramblings like this!

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