Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The One With The Clever Title

Some very real things have happened today. So real, that I had to take off my bracelet and write about them.

I woke up this morning and got ready for the day, just like usual. Except today I had my volunteer shift at my son's school for his running club. Afterwards, I was distracted by one of my favorite couples, and we chatted about my oldest child's successes and screw ups, and the lovely weather. We were interrupted by the school's fire drill (we were standing outside in the aforementioned lovely weather.) As the people I was chatting with and I decided to part ways before being mobbed by the students and teachers fleeing the building for the fire drill, I ran into another one of my favorite people, one of my youngest's teachers. Her and I chatted about her recent hair color change, and the little pompom critters she is making and handing out for quiet behavior.

My son has earned a quiet critter, and had spent the weekend creating a house and a cage for the critter. He also made a few more pompom critters. They have consumed quite a bit of his time. So, I had to thank the teacher for her creativity. The fire drill didn't last as long as my free time, or my chatting gene. I walked home.

I thought about how to spend my day on the short walk. I decided to watch some taped episodes of "Sex and the City". I am newly obsessed with the show. I didn't watch it when it originally aired. (Starting in 1998!) I have watched all six seasons, plus both movies, in the last several weeks. I had found the complete series of dvd's at a garage sale this summer. Even though I have all the dvd's, I was thrilled to find out that the show airs for two hours daily on TV. I'm recording it. I don't know why. I am obsessed. I also thought about what was I going to have for lunch.

I decided to have a peanut butter and jelly. I know, original. I keep my bread in the freezer, so I popped two slices in the toaster, and proceeded to get out the butter and jelly. Once in the fridge, some leftovers caught my eye. I decided that sounded yummy. I heated up the leftovers. It wasn't until later, when I could smell something burning, that I remembered I was going to have PB&J. My brain is going to mush.

Yesterday I found a sombrero for my dog. He is a chihuahua. Today, while watching reruns of "Sex and the City" that I watched only a few weeks ago, I crocheted a striped poncho for my dog, to match his sombrero.

I couldn't help but wonder, when one spends a morning chatting and watching reruns and crocheting her dog a poncho, is it time to find a job? Or is it OK to spend your day considering your lunch options and waiting to accumulate lives on Candy Crush?

Well, that's a bummer. When Carrie Bradshaw asks her computer a question like that, she materialises in amazing shoes at a diner with her friends...I'm still here, barefoot, looking at a kitchen sink full of dishes.

But seriously, maybe it's time, once again, to look for a job. The problem is this, ten years ago (yikes! I can't believe it's been that long ago!) I had a great job. The hours were perfect, it was close to home, I liked the work and loved the people I worked with. Then I got pregnant and we moved across the country. (Not because of the pregnancy, it was just a coincidence.) Since having that great job, all others compare to it. I have had seven jobs over the past ten years...nothing has even come close to the great job. Do we only get one great job in a lifetime?

I am not opposed to working, but my available hours are limited. My kids are off for a week in October (which means I need to be off for a week in October.) They are off for a week in November. And, the deal breaker for a job right now, I need a week off in December for my oldest's college graduation. I know many retail places are hiring right now, to prepare for the Holiday shopping season, and I like working retail, it's even what I went to school for, but a week off ten days before Christmas? Deal breaker.

I do have to wonder, do I want a job for me, or because society makes me think I need one? That is something to ponder. I like being an old-fashioned, stay at home mom, even on the mostly boring days. Oh, never mind that, my bank account says it's time to get a job. It's too bad Carrie Bradshaw can't hire me to organize her closet.