Friday, February 11, 2011

Dog Days

I had to have my dog of ten years put down today. His body was quitting on him. His quality of life was rapidly falling. Here is what I wanted to tell him, and what he hopefully already knew.

Dear George,

You were my baby before the last baby arrived. You have been all our companions. You have never met a person who didn't comment on your cuteness and you never met a lap you didn't try to sit on. You were always so concerned when the baby cried and you would pace near him until I helped him. You are a good dog.

Thank you for putting up with child #3 who tried to dress you and insisted for years that your name was George Bush Washington. Thank you for enduring child #2 who pretended to not like you, she too will notice your absence. Thank you for providing child #1 company when people were too much, or maybe not enough. Thank you for teaching child #4 so much about the role pets play in our lives. Thank you for your patience as he learned to not climb on dogs or pull their fur or ears. Thank you for keeping dad and my laps warm when we sat in our favorite chair, which turned out to be your favorite chair too. Thank you for being smart and for protecting me from all those scary trick or treaters. I wouldn't have gotten through the babies months of dropping food from the highchair without you.

Upon arriving in Doggie Heaven, be nice to Mauka and Makai, your dog cousins. Sniff a 'hello' to Kemo and Grover, your dog uncles. Play with Molson your dog brother. Share some space with Missy, your dog grandma. We miss all of them, and like you, were our loving companions. Enjoy all my friends dogs who will be there waiting with treats and comfy beds to share.

I am sorry your body wore out before your welcome. You will be missed.

Thanks George for everything.